Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's Next ? Hummmmmm

Have you ever just wondered what's next...what's next in does God have planned? ....What do you have planned ? I often stop and reflect on my days and my future....and then I realize something very very important....I can only do what I can do and everything else is just extraneous worry....WORRY, it is not useful, or helpful, or stress relieving, or remotely productive. Lets endeavor to live free from worry... let us put it under our feet and walk on it,allowing it to push us up higher to heights believable ....and let the power of our lives rise above the worry that would bring us down.....WORRY NO MORE. Instead of worry I want BEAUTY and PEACE ...come on lets get on the peace train and have fulfilled lives....Selah

P.S This song was from my Mothers generation....I put it here as a sentiment of what she stood for....Peace and Beauty. As I wrote the words get on the peace train, I remembered this song, I remembered my mom...what does it hold for you.....