Saturday, June 26, 2010

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make
money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do
them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you." - Maya

Forgiveness....Faith....and Reality

My friends....What we find when we look deep into our souls can be as black as the darkest part of night.....we can walk through this life and not realize all that our experiences have brought to us......on this day I choose to embrace who I am and how I am made....this includes ALL parts of me not just the ones that are comfortable and easy to deal with BUT the ones that when pressed ~on~ show wear and tear and some not nice things.....I embrace me and ALL that I am ...including the wonderful things.... I will not shrink so others can feel more comfortable with their mediocrity...NOR will I puff up to seem fine when I feel small and UNCOMFORTABLE....I am forgiving myself as we speak for being human ~HA~ .....and for being difficult by nature in some fashions....I realize all the components I am ~WELL~ .... just are.....and at moments are evolving...I kiss myself before I sleep this night and forgive. What my friends and how are you walking in your life?
~ Selah ~ ....Dr. Ghia