Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life Liberty and Breathing !

The beauty of it all....................

Saturday, June 26, 2010

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make
money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do
them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you." - Maya

Forgiveness....Faith....and Reality

My friends....What we find when we look deep into our souls can be as black as the darkest part of night.....we can walk through this life and not realize all that our experiences have brought to us......on this day I choose to embrace who I am and how I am made....this includes ALL parts of me not just the ones that are comfortable and easy to deal with BUT the ones that when pressed ~on~ show wear and tear and some not nice things.....I embrace me and ALL that I am ...including the wonderful things.... I will not shrink so others can feel more comfortable with their mediocrity...NOR will I puff up to seem fine when I feel small and UNCOMFORTABLE....I am forgiving myself as we speak for being human ~HA~ .....and for being difficult by nature in some fashions....I realize all the components I am ~WELL~ .... just are.....and at moments are evolving...I kiss myself before I sleep this night and forgive. What my friends and how are you walking in your life?
~ Selah ~ ....Dr. Ghia

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's Next ? Hummmmmm

Have you ever just wondered what's next...what's next in does God have planned? ....What do you have planned ? I often stop and reflect on my days and my future....and then I realize something very very important....I can only do what I can do and everything else is just extraneous worry....WORRY, it is not useful, or helpful, or stress relieving, or remotely productive. Lets endeavor to live free from worry... let us put it under our feet and walk on it,allowing it to push us up higher to heights believable ....and let the power of our lives rise above the worry that would bring us down.....WORRY NO MORE. Instead of worry I want BEAUTY and PEACE ...come on lets get on the peace train and have fulfilled lives....Selah

P.S This song was from my Mothers generation....I put it here as a sentiment of what she stood for....Peace and Beauty. As I wrote the words get on the peace train, I remembered this song, I remembered my mom...what does it hold for you.....

Friday, April 30, 2010

THE LIGHT........

I READ once that if you shine a LIGHT on darkness it has no more power...SO I am shining a light, BRIGHT, BOLD, AND HOPEFUL.....Shine With Me

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It is in the eye of the beholder
...for sure this is true. This being true ...well then we should see a lot more beauty than we do.... WHY you ask? Good question,if we have the choice of being one who beholds beauty...then why are we not choosing to behold more beauty....I mean that seems pretty basic...maybe not BUT I know I am going to go and be a ~BEHOLDER OF BEAUTY~ how about you?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


"and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." This is the end of a Quote by Marilyn Monroe....It reminds of something ~Tim Story~ said.... " is it a good idea or a GOD idea" We can have great ...wonderful...good ideas....but I proclaim no more of these for my life ....only God ones...( hummmm grammatically incorrect yes BUT u get the picture)...There is something ...someone beyond us ...that knows more than us today to go beyond yourself for answers ....really what can it hurt !

Friday, April 23, 2010


Three keys to making dreams come true: imagination... focus... and courage... ~Tim Storey~ ....

I have really been thinking about the word courage lately ....funny word courage, so unassuming and quite yet so powerful.Life requires us to have the courage to get up in the morning, knowing the day can hold so much. COURAGE... may you have much when you need it most. ~Selah~

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Winnie the pooh was one of my favorite characters when I was little and I absolutely love the song that Kenny Loggins sang about WINNIE....If your wondering why I am mentioning WINNIE THE POOH and POOH CORNER.... it is a great reminder of how a group of people
(cartoon characters hahaha) can come together and support each POOH CORNER the characters really liked and supported one another and worked through problems together....Who is in your POOH CORNER? you have a POOH CORNER?....If not...start the trek to find a happy/good support system..... I rejoice in your journey

Cheers...Dr. Ghia

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yes, I am back to blogging ...and hopefully not ever to have such a large break...Whewww. Well ASAEXPRESSIVE is officially in Los Angeles now....and it is an exciting time and yet a time filled with opportunity to put into practice WHAT I teach....hahahhah go figure. The next group to start will be .....ESTEEM HOW WE GET IT HOW WE KEEP IT? People this is the group that deals with a multitude of subjects and yet hopefully gets to the core ...heart of the issue for individuals...come and enjoy the process...
E mail us @ for INFO

Peace and HELLO LA
Dr. Ghia

Monday, February 15, 2010


What does it say ANYWHERE about HOW things Ought to go?...Hummmmm, Destiny moved and I came across a lovely lady .....and some of her words are still ringing in my heart....Happily Ever After....Sweet words to sweeten our times.

I LoVe the plan that is here for us...look for your healthy as if YOU were a thirsty person...looking for water to save your life!

Love yourself so that u can love others, only then will we be able to lift up those who need lifting...after first being lifted ourselves......

Do one thing today that moves you in the direction of healthy fulfillment ~Shalom~

Thursday, January 21, 2010


“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”
~Henry David Thoreau~

Mindfulness @ its best..................
I am finding myself the past few days.... HAVING to remind myself that all that has to get done ....will get done....and no worry or fussing over it will make things move faster or smoother.....really Dr. is it that serious.....well yes it is....Today give yourself permission to be seriously, serious about something....but just do that seriously seriousness in JOY....ALL along being MINDFUL that this moment really doesn't define your existence .....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

~Truth in the movement we take~

"I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."
~ Henry David Thoreau ~

We all are faced with the decision of living......make it happen today ultimately FIND

Monday, January 18, 2010

~Let freedom ring~

It is officially a holiday today...MLK Day...Have sooo much to say yet....... feel sooo much has been spoken about this man....and the Dream that GOD gave him...... so I simply express....because that is what I do....I express to each of you live your best FREE and soar beyond the mundane ...this is what I feel MLK gave to us.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Self...and Choice

What do we do when the pressures of the world ...of everyday life try to affect how we see OUR world. We can roll up and become one with the pressure (not recommended), or we can push through, sail through, believe through, the pain sorrow, money stress, whatever the conundrums we are facing are. Focusing on the joy that is set before us...embodying the beauty that is US, no not necessarily easy but better then the is set before us everyday let us embrace it....

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi....Just wanted to let you know that an Empty Chair Group is Starting first week in March.....
This is soooooo EXCITING for those who have done some empty chair work before...and for the Newbie...come one and all... There is a 10 person limit on the group so you don't have to wait till next time.....

~Shalom...Dr EEM~

One of the most famous techniques with Gestalt involves role playing to resolve unfinished situations in an individuals life. Using an empty chair, you can project a feeling or a situation that you are processing, into the empty chair itself.This Gestalt technique can effectively make the processing of life more accessible.
Remember Asaexpressive does not practice therapy in the Life coaching sessions...all the processes are used in a therapeutic fashion....if you are currently seeing a therapist ...disclosing to your therapist that you are in the empty chair group is imperative.....Dr Edwards Morse..reserves the right to dismiss any person from the group without notice.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I really like the picture of this dancer....and it started me thinking....I have been a dancer my whole life it seems....sooooo this phrase, dance like no one is watching is puzzling to me....HOW ABOUT....


Substitute whatever it is YOU do in life with dancing....

Peace... Dr EEM

Reset Button

I just finished speaking with one of my former life coach clients...very interesting and hard conversation... It revolved around the fact that her life in spite of much help from myself and continuing to go down the...Well for the purposes of this writing we will just say her life has hit the proverbial WALL!...But what is soooo interesting about this conversation is not what was the obvious...(she is self destructing)...But that sooo many of us have gone through OR are going through the same process... The gig is this, did you ever have a time in your life that everything was going SWEET...all those around you basically told you how wonderful you were, how your work was stellar...How blessed and talented you were...and then something happened, doesn't matter actually WHAT...but it throws you off your your path...and you can see in the eyes of ALL your former fans...HOW really messed up your life their eyes the words " what happened "...although for the most part unspoken...still as loud as if they were shouting it from a rooftop in the middle of New York city...fact is...we all have times we are less than in our eyes and others...but TRUTH is...Never are we less in Gods eyes because we have fallen and are learning to walk again. So how does it end for this former client, I do not know but hopefully the words that were coming out of my heart and spirit will help her... and all of us. Lets push the RESET BUTTON, lets start fresh with great knowledge of what not to do and the warmth of what to do, lets enjoy each second and stay in the moment, so we are present enough to experience this life...Let us push the RESET BUTTON...

Bisous...Dr EEM

New YeArS Week Goals.....Yuck....Sweet Moments, much better

Goals are Great...but sometimes ...well highly overrated that may seem quite funny coming from a Dr of Psy. / Life Coach/ a Vessel in which God carries out His healing .....Ok you get the idea...... But really every year in the last week of December ALL you hear is.....what are YOUR New Years resolutions aghhh? This is how we do it @ Asaexpresstive... What do you desire to accomplish the next the next hour?....Days and life times are full of tiny little moments that people miss because the are LOOKING @ the forest instead of the seedling .....So have your GOALS great...but let them be SWEET.... filled with moments felt and treasured ...not missed....forgotten or overlooked....Oh Yes....Happy New Year...Woo Hoo!!!!!

Peace and Laughter...Dr EEM