Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reset Button

I just finished speaking with one of my former life coach clients...very interesting and hard conversation... It revolved around the fact that her life in spite of much help from myself and continuing to go down the...Well for the purposes of this writing we will just say her life has hit the proverbial WALL!...But what is soooo interesting about this conversation is not what was the obvious...(she is self destructing)...But that sooo many of us have gone through OR are going through the same process... The gig is this, did you ever have a time in your life that everything was going SWEET...all those around you basically told you how wonderful you were, how your work was stellar...How blessed and talented you were...and then something happened, doesn't matter actually WHAT...but it throws you off your your path...and you can see in the eyes of ALL your former fans...HOW really messed up your life their eyes the words " what happened "...although for the most part unspoken...still as loud as if they were shouting it from a rooftop in the middle of New York city...fact is...we all have times we are less than in our eyes and others...but TRUTH is...Never are we less in Gods eyes because we have fallen and are learning to walk again. So how does it end for this former client, I do not know but hopefully the words that were coming out of my heart and spirit will help her... and all of us. Lets push the RESET BUTTON, lets start fresh with great knowledge of what not to do and the warmth of what to do, lets enjoy each second and stay in the moment, so we are present enough to experience this life...Let us push the RESET BUTTON...

Bisous...Dr EEM

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